Patrons of the Erin Library can now enjoy a quieter area to sit and read, as noise-reduction renovations are almost complete.
The new Quite Reading Area is not a separate room, since the only new wall is just 10 feet long (9.5 feet tall), located next to the doorway. There is a wide-open passageway, then a row of shelving 20 feet long (6 feet tall) towards the windows, to create a barrier for the area.

The new zone has a carpeted floor, while the main area of computers and work tables has ceramic tile. Sound-dampening panels on the wall behind the check-out desk reduce the reflection of sound into the area.
Three new padded chairs, with swing-in writing surfaces on the arms, have been added, along with small tables and additional chairs with wooden arms. Two computer stations are included in the area.
The doors to the library have been upgraded, and an enclosure has been built around the drop-off box.
The County of Wellington allocated $100,000 to this project in its 2012 capital budget.